Dress in Mercedes

Autumn/winter accessories collection
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Mercedes launches the autumn/winter accessories collection. The premium brand fans have to be ready if it should rain or snow. Mercedes recommends jackets, caps, sweaters and umbrellas for both men and women. But their pets are obviously not neglected!

The Mercedes style is always in fashion for the fans of the German manufacturer. To show your loyalty towards the brand, you can shop for autumn and winter accessories. Winter leather jackets for both men and women are on sale right now from prices starting $295.

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If you’re not a leather fan, you can opt to dress in something less demanding by maybe choosing a warm and less expensive jersey. Almost all models come in match for both men and women.

For snowy winter days, Mercedes has gloves on display. Leather or fabric, both with fleece lining to keep the hands of the drivers warm even outside the cockpit of the car.

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We only have three months left to Christmas, so it would be fun to get ready for decorating the Christmas trees. Mercedes branded globes, some even made of Swarowsky crystals, are available in the online shop starting this September.

You can also choose a present for the beloved, if Santa should fail to go down your chimney in December. A fancy blouse or a silver necklace with the famous star at one end for the lady or maybe silver cufflinks for the husband would be an idea that would spare you both the Christmas rush and spending too much.

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The pedigree brand cannot afford to neglect pets. You can put your dog in style with a Mercedes collar and leash kit. That’s if he obeys the command: “Sit!”

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