A Danger to Yourself and Others: Understanding Typical Aggressive Driving Behaviors 

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Driving safely isn’t easy because there are far too many reckless drivers out there causing problems. Statistics from 2023 show that as much as 54% of accidents were caused by aggressive driving. In fact, a study also found that Sacramento had the third-most aggressive drivers in the country. Whether you agree with that assessment or not, it shows this city has a problem. The concern is that those aggressive drivers will eventually end up hurting someone. When they do, those victims deserve the best possible legal representation from a car accident lawyer.

What Does Aggressive Driving Mean?

Examples of aggressive driving can vary, which explains why there are so many of them in Sacramento. It doesn’t mean that every driver causing these accidents has anger management issues or a case of road rage. It could simply be that they were acting in a way that was reckless and ultimately caused an accident. There’s a chance that you have acted aggressively in a moment of frustration with another driver, but it was a fleeting moment and didn’t happen again. You may not have caused an accident at the time, but it’s worth considering whether there was an increased risk of one. Awareness of what classes of aggressive driving can help us improve our behavior and understand when it’s a direct cause of a car accident. Here are some common examples.

1) Speeding

Speeding is a common form of aggressive driving in which drivers use excessive speed to try to beat the traffic. Some do this because they are running late and frustrated with the amount of traffic on the road. Others do it to show off their vehicle or because they think they can get away with it. Either way, speed can be dangerous. Going over the speed limit increases the risk of fatal collisions with other cars and pedestrians. Drivers can also cause serious property damage if they crash.

2) Overtaking

Overtaking other cars is fine as long as you are within your right to do so and are in the right lane. You can carry this out at a safe speed with plenty of clearance and the right signals and stay within the law. However, many arrogant and frustrated drivers will overtake aggressively. They’ll exceed the speed limit, get too close to cars, and overtake on the wrong side. This can easily lead to collisions if the victim misjudges the maneuver or the victim doesn’t see them and speeds up.

3) Cutting people off

Similarly, the same mentality of arrogance and frustration can lead to drivers cutting other motorists off. They may assume they have the right of way when they don’t, or they may just drive out aggressively and force the other driver to brake and wait behind them. Again, this sort of maneuver can increase the risk of accidents. Other drivers may not see them in time or may not be in a place where it’s safe to stop.

4) Driving through lights

There is a pattern here with the mentality of aggressive drivers. Many lack the patience to wait their turn, and others are just out to make a point. This explains why many aggressive drivers don’t obey traffic lights. Running red lights is obviously highly dangerous. However, too many people also take risks when lights are just about to change. They might move too early, putting pedestrians at risk, or speed up to avoid a red light, which could lead to a collision.

5) Tailgating

This last one has to be one of the most passive-aggressive things that drivers can do out on the road. What it means is that another driver is far too close behind you, with a distance of less than a second. They may do this as a way of showing their frustration with your current speed or just to be intimidating for no reason. They may not say anything or make any gestures. It’s just about the proximity of the car. The threat here is the lack of any time to brake in an emergency. They could easily end up plowing into the back of your vehicle.

Claiming Damages Against Aggressive Drivers

The good news is that you can get compensation from aggressive drivers if they cause injuries and suffering. A Sacramento car accident lawyer can help you build a case that presents evidence of economic damages. These are the financial costs that come from the accident and that the other driver is, therefore, liable for. This could be medical bills, invoices to repair damage to the car, or a loss of earnings due to an inability to work. There are also non-economic damages that you may be entitled to. This refers to the pain and suffering incurred from the injury and the emotional stress of the accident. You can provide images of your injuries to show the physical extent of the damage, as well as pain journals that talk about mental anguish. You may also be able to use third-party testimonies to highlight how the accident has affected you mentally, emotionally, and socially.

Don’t Let Aggressive Drivers Win

One problem with the prevalence of aggressive drivers is it makes the problem seem like the norm. It is too easy to give up on the idea of getting compensation for someone else’s recklessness because that sort of driving happens all the time. However, responsible drivers and pedestrians must start calling out these drivers and holding them to account. Even if an injury was minor, you deserve justice for the pain, suffering, and financial loss. Drivers finally called out and made to pay may think twice about being so reckless again.

You never know. Your bravery in hiring a car accident lawyer to handle the case could have a domino effect that potentially saves a life. So, talk to a lawyer about your situation and your options. Work on gathering as much evidence as possible to take down that aggressive driver and win your case.