How blue is too blue? The Big Blue S-Class

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We rarely see Mercedes-Benz S-Class cars coming in other colors than black, silver or white. But making it shiny blue, that’s a complete target-change. So all you rappers out there, I guess this is for you!

A former (normal) Mercedes-Benz S550 is now a velvet blue vehicle, sporting custom grille, lights and two sets of Finestro wheels with star-like spokes and blue calipers. It was deliberately turned into a automobile that turns heads, so a sober attitude would not match this big blue. We expect to see the car in a couple of hip hop videos instead.

Forgiato 7 Big Blue S-Class

One can even change a few of things around this Big Blue S-Class. Like the size of the Finestro wheels, which can be between 19 and 32 inch.

Now that we have seen the exterior, we just wonder: how does it look on the inside? Engine-wise, since they don’t mention any enhancement, we can safely assume that the experts of the Italian tuner did not torment the original layout of the S-Class propellent.

If you think this is the weirdest Mercedes-Benz S-Class that you have ever seen, well… guess again. Here is a pink one!


Photo source: Forgiato.