Your weekly dose of drag racing with a C 63 AMG Coupe

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We’ve shown you this tuned Mercedes-Benz C 63 AMG Coupe at work before, battling its most fierce rivals – a BMW M4 and an Audi RS7 – and now it’s time to see it again blasting down the drag strip.

This time, it’s got a different type of competition. Well, sort of, because first on the track is a BMW M6 EVOTECH Stage 2, pumped up to 800 hp from its meaty engine. Just as a reminder, our C 63 AMG Coupe is also significantly tuned and churns out 700 hp – a full 100 hp short of the BMW’s impressive power, but that doesn’t scare the red Mercedes one bit.

And rightly so, as the C 63 AMG Coupe smokes the BMW M6 both for the quarter mile and for the full 1.000 meters run, despite a much better reaction time for the BMW driver (0.368 seconds compared to 0.523 seconds). The times are close, only 0.3 seconds separating the two after 1/4 mile (about 400 meters), the gap rising by just 0.1 seconds to 0.4 at the end.

Still, apart from the reaction time, all the C 63 AMG Coupe’s numbers are better than the BMW’s, including the finishing speed: 268.65 km/h versus 266.46 km/h for the M6.

Not one to rest on its laurels, the C 63 AMG Coupe is quickly involved in another race. This time, it really gets serious as a 900 hp Chevrolet Corvette lines up alongside it. Just seeing the two cars side by side, a sedan based coupe versus a sports car, things look a bit off. But we know what the C 63 AMG Coupe is capable of, so fingers crossed.

The Merc clearly gets off the line quickly and is the first to reach the quarter mile mark, while the Corvette is seen dancing around the track a little, not able to keep a clean straight line. After it finds traction and the speed grows, the 900 hp can begin to shine and the Chevy quickly catches up and goes in front of the C 63 AMG Coupe. What a heartbreaker.

The reaction times were not an issue this time being virtually the same. The C 63 AMG Coupe was first to both the 1/4 mile mark and the 60 feet mark (approximately 20 meters), but it fell behind by almost one second after the whole 1 kilometer race, also finishing with just 264.12 km/h as opposed to the Corvette’s 270.88 km/h. Still, had the C 63 AMG Coupe run as good as it did in the first race against the M6, it would have beaten the Corvette too.