When time stood still – AMG Driving Academy Mannequin Challenge

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The Mannequin Challenge viral videos have taken the world by storm and there was no way the AMG Driving Academy would miss the chance to show how still the engineers and drivers can stand during the live human exhibition.

They all look as if they are not even breathing, not to mention blinking. Not a muscle on their face moves during the 2-minute and a half video, which makes everyone look like genuine mannequins.

The viral trend debuted in February 2016, launched by a group of students from Jacksonville, Florida. From that moment on, the videos in which nothing ever happens have been sweeping social media. Celebrities like actor Robert DeNiro, singer Adele, the former First Lady Michelle Obama and the basketball legend Michael Jordan have featured in the Mannequin Challenge videos. Now the world’s fastest family, the AMG Driving Academy, has joined the latest internet craze.