Ways To Increase People’s Education About Electric Cars

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The concept of electric vehicles has a solid history and it is far from being new, yet people have started to perceive the idea of an electric car only recently. It is partially because of the environmental concerns and the possibility of turning to hybrids before making a complete transition. Starting with the electric vehicle that has been developed in 1890 by William Morrison of Des Moines to more modern offerings by Tesla Motors, people have always been inspired by innovation. The major problem is that most of them know very little about the pros and cons of electric vehicles. 

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Ways to Increase People’s Education About Electric Cars 

In simple terms, electric cars follow the basic principles of electricity as they are plugged into a special charge point and consume electricity from the relevant grid. The charge is stored in batteries that can be recharged, so the motor can be powered. It is not often mentioned, yet electric cars have much better and much faster acceleration implementation compared to traditional engines that implement fuel. In practical terms, they are easier to drive as there is less pressure that a person can feel. Most drivers that have tried them, however, were more concerned about the battery life than the actual experience of driving something new. The battery life usually lasts for about 10-15 years before a necessity of a replacement and the rest of the technical maintenance that might not be done at the usual service station. So how can one increase people’s knowledge and awareness about electric cars? Actually, there are several ways! 

  • Social and Environmental Campaigns. 

One of the safest and most efficient ways to educate people about electric cars is by turning to social campaigns that focus on environmental issues and the history of electric vehicles. The content must be original and accessible with a possibility to get into Chemistry and Physics if a need comes. If you have little knowledge regarding how to shape your ideas, it’s always possible to approach a professional paper writing service online and voice your concerns. Always keep your content original and use an explanatory tone where you educate and explain the concept by eliminating misconceptions and myths, thus decreasing the fear of the unknown! 

  • Educational Tutorials. 

Another great solution is turning to various video tutorials and workshops that will help people to receive free test drives and learn how the chargers work. While these can be added to relevant YouTube channels, it is also necessary to explain the benefits and connect them to the costs, so it does not turn into a thing of fashion or something that only the rich folks can afford. If there is more humanity and socialization, people will perceive it differently and won’t seek all the wrong reasons to avoid electric cars. Keep the content visual and focus on starting from scratch, as people may ask questions that sound too simple for professionals! 

  • Better Charging Infrastructure Network. 

It is also necessary to attract investors and focus on the problem of the charging infrastructure. After all, charging anywhere represents one of the major problems for people who oppose the idea of an electric car. Even though we may still call them “gas stations” or “fill the tank to the max with the good ‘ole fuel”, understanding the network and the challenges will help people to address the problem and evaluate every possibility and the risks that they have. 

  • Low Re-sale Value. 

Unlike fuel engine cars, electric cars have the problem of the batteries wearing out, which poses a problem with the resale value. The specialists say that an electric car that has already been owned by a single person loses about $6,000 as the battery concerns and wearing out of the specific mechanisms may represent a problem. Since people do not know what can be broken, they usually blame the batteries’ wearing out first (which isn’t far from being true!). The only exception is Tesla’s famous Model 3, which still retains its resale value! 

  • Environmental Concerns. 

There is an old dilemma that always comes forward when the subject of electric cars is brought up by those who know more about the rare metals problem and the manufacturing processes. It’s like a bike that can be a safe option, yet dealing with electric bikes poses the same challenge as with EVs that require expensive batteries. Is the environmental damage lesser if we compare it to the fuel emissions? It’s still too early to tell as we cannot estimate or calculate the environmental damage being caused yet!  

  • Overcoming Psychological Barriers. 

Essentially, it’s not possible to convince a person that an electric vehicle is a way to go if they have a mental block. It means that a person has to go through inner evolution to understand how things work and become more accepting. If there is forcing and pressure, it won’t work as there is too much responsibility that must be taken. An average person won’t drive a vehicle that does not provide a sufficient level of confidence and comfort. 

Is an Electric Vehicle a Suitable Option For You?

It depends on your flexibility and prior experience with typical cars. It is a common belief that people who are new to owning a car will embrace the EV concept much easier compared to those who have already been through several traditional models in their lives. The prices for electric vehicles are finally decreasing as we can see certain improvements in terms of battery range, yet there are many things to consider. You have to find the charging points, control the battery’s life, and still be ready to pay more compared to most fuel vehicles. What matters is zero emission, comfort, and the possibility to upgrade things when technology becomes more advanced. 

If you are open to changes or do not know how to approach the subject yet, it’s always possible to consider hybrid solutions with the use of hydrogen fuel. While it may not be 100% pure, it’s still an option to test things out and decide if it suits your lifestyle and all the technical objectives. Most importantly, it helps to keep your mind open and take care of our environment in a much better way! 


Diane loves innovations and believes that moving forward with an open mind is the way to go. As an educator, she knows that learning is a key to many doors, which is no exception in the automotive field. Follow Diane to take an educational take on things and find inspiration.