Watch this G-Class fall off the lift and try not to cringe

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Spoiler alert: watching this video will make you look away in fear every time your car will be hooked up to one of these car lifts. You hate going to the dentist? Well, from now on you’ll hate taking your car to the local shop even more.

Note the video has no (relevant) audio. 


Don’t say the thought hasn’t crossed your mind. Seeing your car in mid air with a five or six feet drop underneath it makes a man think of all things that could go wrong. Luckily, it probably never happened to you so far and, as any statistician will tell you, chances are it never will.

I guess this guy, then, fell into that 0.001% reserve statisticians always take into account. He went to the shop with his black and (then) beautiful Mercedes-Benz G-Class for god knows what minor problem, and came back home with a seriously messed up body, an increased chance for a heart attack and countless more white hairs on his head.

All it took was miscalculation on the part of one of the lift operators and the car first tilted forward, and then fell completely off the two front supports of the lift and to its right. The damage? We can’t say for sure, but it’s safe to bet that service shop won’t make a profit any time soon.

I probably shouldn’t laugh about this kind of things, but it sure is damn funny how all those people around the car start grabbing it as soon as they realize something’s gone wrong, as if they could actually do anything to support that two tonne plus behemoth. The good news is that nobody appears to be hurt while the spirits seemed to remain calm even after the climax, which is surprising given that the action appears to have taken place in a Russian speaking country.

What I personally would have liked to see is the way they resolved the situation. By the looks of it, the car was in a position where simply lowering it back down would have led to even more damage to its body. I’m willing to bet the G-Class’ ordeal wasn’t over at the same time as this short clip.


Note the video has no (usable) audio.