The Pokemon Go craze hits Mercedes-Benz

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The GPS-powered game Pokemon GO has gone viral and Mercedes-Benz has just caught the virus that merges virtual reality with the real world. It is now up to potential customers to catch the Pokemon, as the premium car maker is promoting its products and services through the game.

The Pokemon GO addicts are now lured into showrooms or local events by Mercedes-Benz, that has introduced Lure Modules to attract players and convert them into cusotmers. The modules are visible to all Pokemon players in the vicinity of ta PokeStop.

A detailed manual has already been distributed to dealers, teaching them how to follow the steps of the new sales campaign and help players catch the little monsters. The lure module is active for 30 minutes. Dealers can also register their own PokeStops on the Pokemon GO web page.

An innovator in the field of promotion, Mercedes-Benz stands as the first car maker to promote products via “Pokemon Go”, the game that has already been released in over 2o countries, including the U.S., UK, Germany, France and others and now, finally, in its home-country, Japan.

Mercedes-Benz has been associated with various games before, like Mario Kart 8 and Forza Motorsport.