The Mercedes-Benz Hamburg plant undergoes transformation for e-mobility

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Daimler AG is investing 500 million euros in the Mercedes-Benz Hamburg plant, in the company’s mission to fully transform all plants across Germany and therefore, to ensure competitiveness of the site and long-term jobs.

Part of the Mercedes-Benz global powertrain production network, the Hamburg plant develops and produces axles and axle components, steering columns and lightweight structural components, but also exhaust technology part. Thus every Mercedes-Benz vehicle sent into the world contains at least one product manufacture in Hamburg.

Mercedes-Benz Hamburg plant

Now the plant, that already has more than 2,500 employs, is set to expand its product portofolio and include key components for electric driving. With that in mind, the Daimler executives have decided to comprehensively modernize the plant in Hamburg.

“The completion of the transformation plans is an important milestone in our growth strategy. We put our vehicle and powertrain plants on a future-oriented and sustainable foundation and strengthen their international competitiveness. Thus, we increase the flexibility and efficiency in our global production network. For that purpose we are investing several billion euros”, said Markus Schäfer, Member of the Divisional Board Mercedes-Benz Cars, Production and Supply Chain Management.

Mercedes-Benz Hamburg plantThe new strategy carried out in Hamburg will ensure the competitiveness of the site and keep employment steady. The training places number will grow as well, reaching 26 positions per year in 2017 and 2018. Ten new permanent jobs will be filled this year.

“With the investment of 500 million euros, we will develop the Hamburg plant into a high-tech site producing drive components for electric mobility. This is a proof for the high qualification and outstanding performance of our employees”, says Wolfgang Lenz, Site Manager Mercedes-Benz plant Hamburg.

Daimler boasts the latest technology to build innovative components, manufactured using environmentally responsible production technologies, thus making efforts to reduce the vehicles’ CO2 emissions.