The Mercedes-Benz Halloween. Trick or treat!

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Late October, just the right time for zombies to come out of tombs. Mercedes knows just the right way to do it and brings the colossal AMG pumpkin into spotlight. It’s more of a dim light actually, as the AMG GT is ready to turn into a vampire at midnight. So… trick or treat?

What is your disguise costume for Halloween? Are you a witch? Have you turned yourself into a zombie for the scariest feat of the year? Lantern-pumpkins up, identity down, as we all become temporary ghosts.

Right out of hell, came he Mercedes-AMG GT S, ready to turn into a werewolf: “Transform from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.8 seconds” the poster showing the V8 4.0-liter engine-powered fireball, says. We wonder what the green beast brought from the hell last summer has to say in its defense.

Mercedes-Benz turns its pride and joy into the belle of the ball. The GT inspired SR Creativity // People & Carphotography, as the visual artists put it among pumpkins and streets dipped in dark for a witchy photo-session, taking place last year at Germany’s Europa Park.

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With just the right paint scheme, the GT looks like a bat out of hell. Don’t get overexcited though! Nope, you can’t order that, it’s not a special edition, just a digital render.

But here is something else to bring to your attention. The Mercedes-AMG GT3 race car inspired a pumpkin-carving pattern. Could there be Dracula himself behind the wheel? Bring some garlic here, people!

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