The upcoming Mercedes-Benz E-Class in figures. All about building the car of the future

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Testing completed, now it’s time to do the aftermath. After revealing the interior of the Mercedes-Benz E-Class and – unwillingly – exterior design cues, the Stuttgart premium brand is disclosing yet further information.

48 months of development time. 1,200 prototypes. 12,000,000 kilometers. 3,500 square meters of camouflaged film. These are the figures that add up to the conceiving, building, testing and launching of the most highly anticipated limousine of the past decade, the car that seems to have a mind of its own.

Testing in extreme conditions, of temperatures ranging from -32 degrees Celsius up to 60 degrees on no less than four continents, boarding planes and trucks. It took millions of kilometers and thousands of sleepless nights to put the pieces together.

10 000 autonomous braking tests with pedestrians showing out of the blue in front of the Mercedes sedan or with the car rushing into another, in situations in which rear-ending seemed only inches away. The Active Brake Assist is now good to go.

And if lane changing might be child play for experienced drivers, it is now the same for the brain of the Mercedes limousine, after no less than 5,000 autonomous such tests, to make sure the Active Lane Change Assist works as precise as the Swiss watches.

1,200 engineers worked day and night to get the E-Class on the road. What Mercedes-Benz is calling a “Masterpiece of Intelligence” is going to see the light of day in Detroit, on the 11th of January. 12 days left.

Check out everything the 2016 Mercedes-Benz E-Class can do right here: All-new 2016 Mercedes-Benz E-Class interior fully revelead (with video).