Stolen in Broad Daylight

Two luxury vehicles stolen from the Hertford dealership
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Thieves have good taste in cars. Two men stole two Mercedes E-Class in broad daylight from the dealership in Hertford, England, less than 40 kilometers away from London. The authorities have watched the surveillance cameras videos and are trying to track the predators.

The daytime hit left the showroom in Hertford without two E 220, a blue and a black one. Both stolen cars are worth around €100 000. Watching the video of the surveillance cameras frame by frame, the authorities noticed that a man walked into the garage in John Tate Road, took a set of keys and then headed into the car park. He just climbed into the driver’s seat of a Mercedes – the police representatives say – and drove away. He parked the vehicle, went back inside and repeated the exact scenario. He passed the second keys set to another man, waiting in the park and both went away with the luxury vehicles.

Detective Constable Shaun Turner is conducting the investigation and requires all those who recognise the men in the video released last week to contact the authorities righ away. We should also add this: if you see them, make sure you know where your car keys are!