Restart. Mercedes-Benz is slowly returning to normal resuming production

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Mercedes-Benz is slowly returning back to normal. The premium car maker has resumed production in most of its plants, while extending anti-infection measures.

Work Council has implemented an extensive safety measures pack to maintain infection risk as low as possible at the Mercedes-Benz car plants in Untertürkheim, Berlin, Hamburg, Sindelfingen, Bremen and Rastatt.

Mercedes-Benz resuming production (4)

Other production centers such as Sebes/Cugir in Romania, Kecskemet in Hungary and Tuscaloosa in the United States are expected to restart work on a flexible step-by-step basis.

The units are taking precaution measures to prevent infection among employees. The list of measures includes hygiene and cleaning standards, regulations to maintain a minimum safety distance of 1.5 meters and the use of face masks.

Daimler suspended most of the company’s production work in Europe for an initially established period of two weeks, from March 23rd to April 5th. But the ever-growing number of new cases of coronavirus infections has been postponing the production restart.

Back to work

“Together with the whole team, I am glad that we are gradually restarting our production in a coordinated manner. Flexibility is what counts here: the flexibility of our plants is one of our focal strategic topics in production and it helps us in this restarting phase now. Our first priority is to contain the spread of the COVID-19- pandemic and to provide a safe working environment for our employees, suppliers and service providers”, Jörg Burzer, Member of the Board of Management of Mercedes-Benz AG, Production and Supply Chain Management explains.

Mercedes-Benz resuming production (1)

“As of this week we have been gradually and flexibly restarting assembly of our E-Class and S-Class, so that we can respond promptly to ongoing developments. We will gradually increase our production volumes in the next days and weeks, so that we are able to get to full speed as rapidly as possible”, says Michael Bauer, Head of Production at the Mercedes-Benz plant in Sindelfingen and Site Manager.

The company’s first plant to restart production was in China, as Daimler receives indicators that the local market is also returning back to normal and the demand is constantly growing.