Party in the outer space! 20 million Mercedes-Benz fans on Facebook are invited!

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20 million fans on Facebook. A number that requires a special celebration! Mercedes-Benz is thanking all the brand’s fans with a one-of-a-kind video. So let’s join their 360-degree perspective: three SUVs sky-chasing a weather balloon.

To the edge of space. That is exactly where we’re going right now. Are you ready for the takeoff?

This is the company’s special way of saying “Thank-you” to all those 20 million people who clicked “Like” on the Mercedes-Benz Facebook page. Mercedes-Benz is inviting all of them to the party in the stratosphere.

A balloon fitted with a 360-degree camera takes four miniature models into the stratosphere. This is what off-road really means now. Both the rapid rise and the calm floating through space can be adjusted in any direction while watching the film. It all happens some 15 kilometers away.

An additional camera closely follows the Mercedes-Benz team during the set-up stage for the very special flight, with the weather balloon taking the SUVs up in the air.

1:43 scale models of the G-Class, of the GLE Coupé, of the G 65 and of the GLC were lifted after the team had carefully calculated the flight route and the weather conditions. As the balloon rose, the Mercedes-Benz shooting team followed it via GPS on board three G-Class SUVs. Full scale ones, absolutely.

Mercedes-Benz is the top car maker on Facebook, with over 20 million fans. BMW follows closely with little over 19 million. And then there is the super sports brand Ferrari, some three million fans behind. 19,133,064. Ferrari comes in third with 16,212,965 likes.

Premium cars makers ranking on Facebook:

  1. Mercedes-Benz   20,109,643
  2. BMW                     19,132,581
  3. Ferrari                   16,212,168