Open Your Eyes or Turn On the Headlights

The Mercedes-Benz Make Up
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Not all women are good at technics. But they are all make up experts. And a German beauty products brand, LR DeLuxe, teamed up with Mercedes-Benz to prove it. And they designed Mercedes-Benz headlights on the face of a model.

LR DeLuxe took on the toughest challenge in the pret-a-porter make up industry. To make eyes like the Mercedes headlamps. For their top project, they chose a former model of the S-Class limousine and a top model of the fashion industry.

Using an illuminating foundation like the paint of any Mercedes model, the make up artists started their work of art. Soon after that, they chose the black eyeliner, to emphasize the eyes contour and various eye shadow tones with gentle texture, to fit in the empty spaces. The make up job does not finish here. The artist also puts on crystals on the eyelids for a magical effect and to bring the human eyes closer to the headlights of the S-Class. So it’s blink with the endlessly long mascara brushed eyelashes or flash with the full LED headlamps. Or maybe just wink?

By the captured tutorial, the make up creators wanted to prove that their job is almost as tough as designing a performing headlamp.

Mercedes-Benz is the company car of LR DeLuxe. Nowadays, approximately 1000 LR Mercedes-Benz models are on the road. Whether the sporty SLK, the comfortably spacious M-Class or the exquisite S-Class limousine, “this is what we call our dream car”, the LR DeLuxe reps say, targetting to be the best of the best, just like Mercedes-Benz.

Maybe next time they can try to copy the S-Class Coupe headlights, that include no less than 47 Swarowski crystals. 17 angular crystals for the daytime running lamps and 30 round-shaped ones making up the turn indicator lamps. Now that is going to be one kind of a challenge.