Once upon a time, there was a man, going under the name of Carlos Castiglia, who was living in Miami and had workd night and day to get his business going. And there was a woman, driving a Mercedes-Benz on the road. She suddenly lost control and smashed straight into the restaurant.
If Carlos would usually pop out the front door to greet customers with a handshake and a smile, now he went out through the broken window to inspect the rubble of his pride and joy. It was 71-year old Sonia San Juan who drove into his dining room on a Saturday evening. How her Benz came from the parking lot across the street to take up the entire restaurant reamins a mystery.
A lady witnessing everything said a tire of the car exploded as it was coming down the road. „I had no problems with the brakes”, the driver said.
Checking the driver’s background, the policemen found out that she had three tickets in the last 10 years, so not quite a trouble-maker. She was convicted only once, in 2013, for failing to obey a stop sign.
Her strong Benz ripped apart the base of the sidewalk and crashed through the pipes manifold.
Luckily, there were no customers inside the revenue, as the incident happend at 5:30 p.m., right before the Saturday dinner rush. A few restaurant workers suffered minor injuries, but refused to be taken to the hospital.
“Thank God, nothing happened,” Castiglia told the Miami Herald on Sunday. “The rest is all twisted metal. You can replace that. Human life, you can’t replace.”
The restaurant owner, Carlos Castiglia, had been in the food industry for 27 years, but never before had anything like that ever happened to him. His steakhouse had been there for 16 years, but for the moment, it is closed for undergoing renovation.