Mercedes-Benz CLA covered in graffiti – The car of the next generation

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The Mercedes-Benz CLA is the car of the next generation. And to prove just that and to magnetize a more and more younger public, the Stuttgart brand is working its way to the hearts of those who just got their driver’s licence. Hip-hop artist CRO got his hands on a Mercedes-Benz CLA to convert it into a cool and rebellious looking car.

The transformation of the Mercedes-Benz CLA involved aerosol paint, paint markers and real paint. The rapper, who is a brand ambassador for Mercedes-Benz, experimented with colors, shapes and words to get his graffiti work done. Hip-hop artist CRO put his creativity to the test and stepped on new terrain wearing a panda mask. Not so cute, we’d say, but quite scary actually.

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It’s not the first time the rapper creates something else but music. He started his own T-shirt label in 2010. And the most daring ideas of his T-shirt collections are now widely spread all over the body of the CLA. A colorful collage of styles and characters now adorns the sporty stylish avant-garde model, which will travel across Germany. Soon after the tour, the vehicle will be on sale.

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“I paint and draw almost always, no matter where I am and what I am doing. Nothing is safe with me and, indeed, not a Mercedes-Benz. I had an approximate picture in my mind about how I wanted it to look in the end and I hope that the future owner will be just as proud as I am”, said CRO about his latest masterpiece.

Well, that’s surely not going to be us, we are die-hard for the traditional body paint. Is it going to be you? Check out the photo gallery before you make a decision you might regret.