Mercedes-Benz Advertising outperforms Competitors

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Over the past few months, the Mercedes-Benz digital team has worked intensively on social platforms in order to increase brand awareness among the audience.

Phoenix Marketing International, a company specialized in assisting clients in the market management process, conducted a study that indicates that the German premium car manufacturer took the lead in what concerns the advertising campaigns meant to target the public, meaning television, print, digital, and out-of-home advertising.

This research has measured reactions from more than 250,000 advertisements for the past 18 months from luxury automotive brand. The company took into consideration four automakers – Mercedes-Benz, Audi, BMW and Lexus. It is strictly important to mention that the study did not include luxury brands such as Ferrari, Bentley and Lamborghini.

Around 2,000 online users were asked to analyze and respond to ads. The data asked consumer to recall an ad and to notice if there was any increase in brand impression. Furthermore, the study also analyzed the response and the emotional impact from the consumers. The research examined consumer’s reactions to all ads, regardless of the field, and, as Dennis Syrkowski, the president of automotive at Phoenix Marketing International confirmed that, broadcast ads performed rather well for Mercedes-Benz in particular. This may be due to the fact that over the last months, Mercedes-Benz has launched a couple of new models on the market, thus unlocking a new brand image and new sales event ads.


30% of users who watched a Mercedes-Benz ad recalled the brand, compared to the 29% which is average for other luxury automakers. Moreover, the respondents who watched the ads admitted that the brand impression was clearly lifted.

What’s more, the study also revealed that 43% of consumers who acknowledged the brand, took an action, meaning visiting a dealer’s showroom or looking for additional information about the brand. This compared to 38% of consumers who saw an ad from other luxury automotive brand overall took a secondary action.

Syrkowski confirmed that Mercedes-Benz led in all categories, including engagement, relevance, styling and cognitive recognition.

“Creatively, if I look at how they’re over-performing, there are other brands also in the non-luxury space that do as well. But they don’t compete with Mercedes”.

