Ice, Ice, Baby in Mercedes-Benz USA

Ice Bucket Challenge at Mercedes-Benz USA
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ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is a total out break in the United States. The virus has hit the Mercedes-Benz enterprise. About 200 employees from the American branch poured buckets full of ice on their head and also donated for the ALS Association campaign.

The German sobriety is famous worldwide. But the employees of the Mercedes-Benz American branch prove they know how to have fun. “We are never a group too shy away from the challenge”, say the Mercedes reps after getting completely soaked.

The management of the factory in New Haven was first to go. The Mercedes-Benz CEO, Steve Cannon, started it and he was the one who challenged everybody in the enterprise to dump freezing water on their heads and especially to donate for the ALS campaign. In their turn, the people in Mercedes challenged the rival auto brand nextdoor to do it. Watch the amazing challenge in the following video.