B-Class Electric Drive awarded Environmental Certificate

B-Class Electric Drive
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The high environmental compatibility has been confirmed by the inspectors of the TÜV Süd technical inspection authority and they have awarded the environmental certificate.

Mercedes-Benz analyses the environmental compatibility of its vehicles throughout their entire life cycle – starting with the production, all the long years of service and until the recycling at the end of their life-cycle, an analysis that exceeds all the legal requirements. In addition, this environmental certificate and all the supplementary information is available to the public as part of the “Life Cycle” supplementary information.

Professor Dr Herbert Kohler, Chief Environmental Officer at Daimler AG, explained that the B-Class Electric Drive is an important milestone along the journey towards emission-free driving. “The fact that we are able to integrate the electric motor and batteries into a perfectly ‘normal’ B-Class does not only mean that we can assemble the Electric Drive alongside the other B-Class vehicles on one production line, but almost more importantly means that our customers do not have to make any compromises at all in terms of spaciousness, safety or comfort.”

B-Klasse 2014 B-Class 2014

Moreover, in its entire life cycle (production, 160,000 kilometres use and recycling) the B-Class Electric Drive produces CO2 emissions that are 24 percent lower (7.2 tonnes – EU electricity mix) or 64 percent lower (19 tonnes hydroelectricity) than those of the B 180, despite the higher emissions generated during the production process.

This is a consequence of the exceptional efficiency of the electric motor and one key factor is the ingenious energy management system.

During the 160,000 km of driving use, the new B-Class Electric Drive  (NEDC combined consumption from 16.6 kWh/100 km) produces 11.9 tonnes of CO2 and, on the other hand, the B 180 (NEDC fuel consumption 5.4 l/100 km) emits 23.8 tonnes of CO2 during the use phase.